Along with practically everybody else, I grew up learning my way around computers running on Microsoft OS. When a friend got a Macbook, I was actually surprised. My first question was, do you know how to use it? He said, "Well, I dont know how to use a PC either so it really wouldn't matter, would it?" Good point. He was never the one to use computers, nor laptop since he didn't need to. I suppose he just wanted to have a laptop to sync his ipod with and the white color of the previous generation Macbook attracted him like a moth to light. But still, I had my reservations. This was before Mac OS had the capability to run Microsoft Office. When news came out that Mac can now run Word and Excel, I got curious. And somewhat excited. I browsed through some online forums and people who went over to the other side all had good things to say about their Mac. Did I just get myself persuaded? No. But I would go to the Apple website several times each day and clicked on the gallery, examining the clean lines of the Macbook and slowly began to fall in love. Ahh, the full-sized keyboard, the trackpad, the display, and the white apple glowing! So it was only a matter of time before I came up with a few thousand bucks and bought myself a Macbook. It really was the way the Macbook looks like that sealed the deal. I figured if Im unable to use it, or if its way too complex for my taste, I could just sell it off, or give it as a present to my sister. The moment I took it out from the box, I experienced what I can only describe as orgasmic. It really is beautiful. Not that I haven't seen it before. But the thought alone that I own this particular piece of Macbook, what a coup! I went through the simple process entering my name, location and such and then I was good to go. Of course I also went through the initial stage of getting myself familiar with the basics, such as minimizing and maximizing and those simple tasks operated by keyboard shortcuts but after a few days, I got the hang of it. Well, most of it anyway. And to think I havent had the time to watch instructional vids in the Apple website. In short, I managed to discover and explore my Macbook all by myself. Which really goes to show that it is simple. I've always hated the word simple because it is too vague for me, but the Macbook really is. No other words can express how my experience with Macbook is. Now, maybe its time for me to go and watch those Apple vids and for sure, I'll find out more about this little piece of equipment Im now naming my bestfriend. My Macbook would be sure to top my list of three things I'd like to have if ever Im stranded in an island. Go figure.
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