Thursday, August 19, 2010
Again, it's that time when I have exhausted all possible websites to visit, updated all my social networking applications, cleaned out my inbox, deleted spam mail, and read the news that I come upon this blog once more with so much time and so little to say. Much have changed since my last post. A new president sits on the throne yet same bs going on in the political arena. Too much drama going on with Kris that I got tired following recent updates about her. And on a sad note, my maternal grandfather just passed away; the hero, our hero, who served and continues to serve as an inspiration not only to me but to the whole family as well. He was a soldier, public servant, farmer, father of 12, grandfather to the 33 of us, a great-grandfather to quite a few, and a loving husband for more than 60 yrs fulfilling his oath to his wife that till death do they part. My grandmother passed away almost 3 years ago, and it is not a coincidence that on the occasion of her 3rd death anniversary falls the 40th day of death of my grandfather, otherwise known as Particular Judgment in Christian eschatology. That, my friends, IS love. Wow, even I couldn't help but be impressed. This is an in-your-face manifestation of a love that transcends earthly life. Ok ok so I'm not myself today. Me talking about love and earthly life bs is pure weed. That being said, it was the first time that I was able to witness a live 21-gun salute during my grandfather's interment. I then learned that a 21-gun salute is not really 21 guns, nor 21 successive shots. Its 3 shots each, done by 7 police officers simultaneously. I dont know if they have other mathematical variations on how to do it but that was how they did it last Saturday. Immediate members then released white balloons for I dont know which reason, and after the burial proper, we had to go back to the house of the deceased to wash our hands in some leafy herbal concoction. It was an emotional day for all of us, yet a triumphant one in the sense that it was a fitting end to a life that was led in a fruitful and an unforgettable manner, one that will be remembered for years to come. To Tatay I bid you good journey.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Pre-Election Tantrums
I heard the news on TV that the Supreme Court has allowed voter's registration to last until sometime in January. Woot! I just need to get my ass off to the COMELEC office to have my voter record transferred. I'm registered in Manila and I dont want to register as a new voter in the province since that would no doubt classify me as a flying voter slash multiple registration. Hello bars. I just wish that they wouldn't give me as hard a time as I did when I tried to register the first time. I mean c'mon do I really have to fill up those forms in triplicate? Have you ever heard of a photocopying machine people?
Meanwhile, voter or not, I just wanted to express my views on some of the "presidentiables" who are dying to dip their hands into the government coffers (at the highest level). When their ads are creeping into my tv schedule, I have every damn right to express my views. I think I'm going for Manny Villar. I dont really believe his shit about pro-poor agenda, but he'll try and most likely to succeed. At trying. At least he has a platform to debate on. Him being rich already being a real property tycoon is not really a guarantee that he will not further enrich himself at the expense of the presidency. Uhmm, its not just about the dough. Power comes with it too, remember? Be that as it may, I believe that he has genuine intentions and has the capability and experience to steer the country forward. We so desperately need a strong president to do the job of "executing the laws" and he could just be the "man for the job." Noynoy Aquino on the other seems seems to be a losing case. I'm not really sure what his plans are for the government, except that "he'll lead/light the way." With a battalion of actors/actresses, b-class entertainers and media personalities going along with him. The only credit to his name is that he's the only son of a martyred senator and an ex-president. That's a lil bit short of a resume for someone who's aspiring to be a president don't you think? He's been in politics for like what, 10, 15 years and what "change" exactly has he been able to accomplish? As for Gilbert Teodoro, I don't know him. I don't think the voting population does either. Moving on, Joseph Estrada. Really. He IS the lost case. For all intents and purposes. He lost the presidency. He lost the cases afterwards. And he will lose this race. If he is ever allowed to run. Which I don't think he will be. He will lose that battle at the Supreme Court.
I'm still expecting more tv ads to flood in. So im stacking up on dvds and books to survive me through the holidays. Don't expect a Christmas message from me. Consider this as THE message.
Meanwhile, voter or not, I just wanted to express my views on some of the "presidentiables" who are dying to dip their hands into the government coffers (at the highest level). When their ads are creeping into my tv schedule, I have every damn right to express my views. I think I'm going for Manny Villar. I dont really believe his shit about pro-poor agenda, but he'll try and most likely to succeed. At trying. At least he has a platform to debate on. Him being rich already being a real property tycoon is not really a guarantee that he will not further enrich himself at the expense of the presidency. Uhmm, its not just about the dough. Power comes with it too, remember? Be that as it may, I believe that he has genuine intentions and has the capability and experience to steer the country forward. We so desperately need a strong president to do the job of "executing the laws" and he could just be the "man for the job." Noynoy Aquino on the other seems seems to be a losing case. I'm not really sure what his plans are for the government, except that "he'll lead/light the way." With a battalion of actors/actresses, b-class entertainers and media personalities going along with him. The only credit to his name is that he's the only son of a martyred senator and an ex-president. That's a lil bit short of a resume for someone who's aspiring to be a president don't you think? He's been in politics for like what, 10, 15 years and what "change" exactly has he been able to accomplish? As for Gilbert Teodoro, I don't know him. I don't think the voting population does either. Moving on, Joseph Estrada. Really. He IS the lost case. For all intents and purposes. He lost the presidency. He lost the cases afterwards. And he will lose this race. If he is ever allowed to run. Which I don't think he will be. He will lose that battle at the Supreme Court.
I'm still expecting more tv ads to flood in. So im stacking up on dvds and books to survive me through the holidays. Don't expect a Christmas message from me. Consider this as THE message.
boto mo patrol mo,
joseph estrada,
manny villar,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Its been awhile since I last posted something here. I am way too lazy to write unless I'm getting paid for it. Since my internet is acting up, and my Facebook applications (read: games) take too long to load, I tried to think of something else to do. Anything at all. Suddenly, I remembered this blog. I checked and it hasn't been suspended yet for non-activity. Ok, cool! So what now? First off, I only have about 3 followers so I am assuming that they too haven't been visiting for awhile, otherwise they would have deleted me already. So we have something in common after all (aside from the fact that they're my cousins).
Next, I realized my time is wasted on these useless games that I've been addicted to since late last year. I swear I need counseling and rehabilitation. I have programmed my daily activities around these games. And Twitter is no help either. I first heard about Twitter from friends, and then the internet, and then on tv. At that time when I signed up for an account, I had huge issues with the character limit which was so frustrating, I mean what can I write with 140 characters? It's not even enough for all the exclamation points that I so carelessly use ad nauseum! I gave up and forgot all about it. But after Ashton and Demi got so pop in the Twitter world (reportedly being paid for it, those lucky bitches), I decided to give it another go. Now I got about 11 followers, hoot! I'm gonna do a lil bit of research on how to make that 500. Shah!
At the Twitter homepage I saw this: "If you aren't familiar with Twitter, it is one of those things, like MySpace, that sounds totally ridiculous and stupid when you first hear about it. But once you start using it, you realize how much fun it is." (Eric Nuzum, Author of The Dead Travel Fast)
And I noticed that Myspace had added a chat feature. Im not sure how recent this is since I also haven't been visiting Myspace for quite some time now. Facebook rules! LOL!
Time to Twit! Follow me @ raZpberry!
Next, I realized my time is wasted on these useless games that I've been addicted to since late last year. I swear I need counseling and rehabilitation. I have programmed my daily activities around these games. And Twitter is no help either. I first heard about Twitter from friends, and then the internet, and then on tv. At that time when I signed up for an account, I had huge issues with the character limit which was so frustrating, I mean what can I write with 140 characters? It's not even enough for all the exclamation points that I so carelessly use ad nauseum! I gave up and forgot all about it. But after Ashton and Demi got so pop in the Twitter world (reportedly being paid for it, those lucky bitches), I decided to give it another go. Now I got about 11 followers, hoot! I'm gonna do a lil bit of research on how to make that 500. Shah!
At the Twitter homepage I saw this: "If you aren't familiar with Twitter, it is one of those things, like MySpace, that sounds totally ridiculous and stupid when you first hear about it. But once you start using it, you realize how much fun it is." (Eric Nuzum, Author of The Dead Travel Fast)
And I noticed that Myspace had added a chat feature. Im not sure how recent this is since I also haven't been visiting Myspace for quite some time now. Facebook rules! LOL!
Time to Twit! Follow me @ raZpberry!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mac Studio Fix

Not everybody is a natural beauty, and that's ok, so said Chris Crocker in his YouTube video entitled Make-up is my friend !
So what do mere mortals like us do when we're not bestowed with natural beauty as defined by the "billion dollar fashion industry?" Well, we make ourselves up. With make-up. Now they say that make-up is just to enhance our appearance, and that what really matters is inner beauty. Well, I don't have inner beauty, so I'll deal with my outer beauty instead, thank you very much.
The foundation of a great outer beauty is well, foundation. I have been using Revlon lately (given to me by a dear friend) and when I could already see the metal base of my cake foundation, it was time for me to buy a new one. My new favorite mall did not carry the product so I had to settle for whatever was there lest I am unable to find a store which carries Revlon and risk running out of my foundation. The horror! I'd rather have a shortage of oxygen than my precious foundation.
So that's how I found M.A.C. My other friends were already using M.A.C. but it was kinda expensive for me. And I felt that it was a little bit heavy for everyday use since I was under the impression that M.A.C. is leaning towards the professional cosmetics market.
Well, I decided to try it and just scratch it off as a lesson learned if I do not like it. I was assisted by this girl who had the most incredible green eyeshadow which reminded me of a peacock. I asked her who did it, and I was quite surprised when she said she do her own make-up. Okay, 10 points for expertise. I told her I was looking for a cake foundation, and without hesitation, she gave me shade no. nc40. Okay, another 10 points for product knowledge. She applied it to me and told me that this shade was perfect for me. At that point, since she only applied it to a small part on my lower right cheek, I honestly couldn't tell. It was barely visible. Of course being the fussy buyer that I was, I asked for shades a tone lighter and a tone darker than the one she suggested so that I can make a comparison. She willingly obliged and applied both shades on my face. And there it was. I can now see the subtle differences between the three shades. Impressive.
I got it and paid at the counter. I noticed how the other girls there all had these incredible eyeshadow in varying colors and shades that seemed to be their uniform. When I got home, I tried it on. I was again amazed at how light it felt on my face. And when I looked at the mirror, it was truly invisible. Like I never put any of it on.
To test a foundation, I always use a camera and take a picture of myself to see what it looks like on film. I also needed to check if there will be a noticeable line between my face and my neck. I don't need my face to look like it was pasted on my neck due to contrasting colors.
Well, I wouldn't be gushing about my M.A.C. foundation if I didn't get the results I wanted, albeit being unexpected. I simply looked flawless without looking like I had any make-up on. Pores disappeared and best of all, I could wear it daily. No irritation whatsoever. I'm happy with it, and the camera loves it. I feel confident with my natural beauty now more than ever so the price is so worth it.
chris crocker,
make up,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Jenny Humphrey: The girl I love to hate

If you are a fan of CWs tv show Gossip Girl, then you'll know what the ride has been for Jenny hanging out with the Upper East Side elite. I really didn't like her during the first season, and the second season seems to be no better.
She was that desperate lil girl wanting so much to fit in with the it crowd. Blair promptly took advantage of her and devised schemes to make her realize time and again that she is not Upper East Side material. Being the pawn that she is, Jenny just cant take a hint and even lied about making out with a closeted gay guy (who she eventually outed) just to be part of their crowd.
Season 2 now focuses on Jenny, the school drop out. Wanting so much to prove that she can make it as a fashion designer, she first turned down an offer for internship with another designer, instead sticking with Eleanor Waldorf and eventually quitting to start her own line.
Several times have I screamed and wanted to strangle her. Don't do it! What the hell are you doing?! Say it, say it! What in the world is wrong with you??? are some of my favorite expressions when it comes to Jenny. Arggh, I cant even stand her new look, I mean what's up with the hair? And how many sticks of eyeliner did you have to put on to prove a point that you're a rebel? Now you're falling for Nate? C'mon!
I wonder which crowd the writers are trying to win over with a character like Jenny Humphrey? And what lessons can we gather from Jenny? Let's do a review, shall we? To the young, aspiring fashion designers - drop out from school; hang out with shady characters to make it big; crash social events to showcase your designs. To little sisters everywhere - don't listen to your parents; make out with your brother's best friend. To all social climbers - steal expensive clothes; hang out with gay socialites.
Nice, very nice. So Jenny, I sincerely hope that you make it big. Just drop the eyeliner. I get your point.
P.S. Nate is rumored to get Jenny pregnant. OMFG! -Blair.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

I'm quite excited about the upcoming sequel of DreamWorks animated film Madagascar, set to be released anytime this month (07 Nov in the US). Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa picks up where the first one left off, where everybody was trying to get back to New York. The four main characters Alex the Lion (Ben Stiller), Marty the Zebra (Chris Rock), Melman the Giraffe (David Schwimmer) and Gloria the Hippo (Jada Pinkett Smith) are back, together with the penguins and the lemurs from the first film. This time, they will find themselves in Africa - where they were supposed to be shipped to in the first place - and encounter species of their own kind for the very first time
My favorite character was the hypochondriac Melman the Giraffe voiced by David Schwimmer. And the penguins. I was so lol during that scene when the four penguins successfully escape to Antarctica and found it to suck, and left after being there for a few moments. Although one can't help but be reminded of Ross from Friends hearing David's voice and all that, but in all fairness, I think that's what his character is all about. It was so funny when he dug up his own grave and wrote his last will and testament on the sand, only to be washed away by the waves.
I don't know why critics didn't love it the way I did. It was fresh, funny and produced great visuals. Moreover, the characters were cute without being cheesy. True, it may not be the Shrek that everybody's so crazy about, but it can't be all Shrek all the time. Somebody's gotta think up of new storylines and I believe that DreamWorks delivered.
So I'm heading down to the movies to catch their Escape 2 Africa. I saw the trailers and the scene alone where they were crashing and King Julien said it was more fun when you raise your hands is enough to make me wanna watch it.
Shrink test for future Catholic priests?

The Vatican has recently issued a document urging candidates for the Catholic priesthood to undergo psychological tests to screen out heterosexuals unable to control their sexual urges and men with strong homosexual tendencies. As per the Vatican, these tests are not obligatory but are resorted to on a case-by-case basis when seminary rectors wanted to be sure if the candidate is qualified for the priesthood. It did not indicate at which point of theological studies the candidate is to be examined, but from the wording of the Vatican document, I suppose it could be anytime.
Now I gather that the basis for the issuance of this document is because of a sexual abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic Church six years ago and the effects thereof. So what happens to those found out to be incapable of leading celibate lives, or those capable of abusing their authority by sexual means? Expulsion or a ban from being a priest, I guess. The report only mentions screening out these candidates and does not mention sanctions or further action on the part of the Church, if any. And when asked why a man with homosexual tendencies could not become a priest as opposed to a man with heterosexual tendencies, the head of the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski said that homosexuality was "a deviation, an irregularity and a wound" that would not allow a priest to fulfill his mission properly.
I would have been happy if it ended on the part which says candidates with strong, uncontrollable sexual urges. I am having quite a difficulty understanding why sexuality is an issue in the first place. Hello, priests are supposed to be celibate. Cardinal G's stand on homosexuality in the clergy is a fallacy which leads to my conclusion that a priest with a sexual orientation is a deviation by itself. You can't have a sexual orientation if you have devoted yourself to a lifetime of jacking off.
It is simple, really. I don't know why they have to drag some gay shit issue into this. Celibacy means no sex. You want sex or cannot control the urge to have sex, don't be a priest. Be it towards an altar boy, or a nun, or whatever the fuck it is that you're yearning for, if you can't control it, get out. That should be the purpose of those tests. No more, no less.
So why not stop there? Uncontrollable sexual urges. Period.
psychological test,
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