If you are a fan of CWs tv show Gossip Girl, then you'll know what the ride has been for Jenny hanging out with the Upper East Side elite. I really didn't like her during the first season, and the second season seems to be no better.
She was that desperate lil girl wanting so much to fit in with the it crowd. Blair promptly took advantage of her and devised schemes to make her realize time and again that she is not Upper East Side material. Being the pawn that she is, Jenny just cant take a hint and even lied about making out with a closeted gay guy (who she eventually outed) just to be part of their crowd.
Season 2 now focuses on Jenny, the school drop out. Wanting so much to prove that she can make it as a fashion designer, she first turned down an offer for internship with another designer, instead sticking with Eleanor Waldorf and eventually quitting to start her own line.
Several times have I screamed and wanted to strangle her. Don't do it! What the hell are you doing?! Say it, say it! What in the world is wrong with you??? are some of my favorite expressions when it comes to Jenny. Arggh, I cant even stand her new look, I mean what's up with the hair? And how many sticks of eyeliner did you have to put on to prove a point that you're a rebel? Now you're falling for Nate? C'mon!
I wonder which crowd the writers are trying to win over with a character like Jenny Humphrey? And what lessons can we gather from Jenny? Let's do a review, shall we? To the young, aspiring fashion designers - drop out from school; hang out with shady characters to make it big; crash social events to showcase your designs. To little sisters everywhere - don't listen to your parents; make out with your brother's best friend. To all social climbers - steal expensive clothes; hang out with gay socialites.
Nice, very nice. So Jenny, I sincerely hope that you make it big. Just drop the eyeliner. I get your point.
P.S. Nate is rumored to get Jenny pregnant. OMFG! -Blair.
1 comment:
kakaisa! this is funny:))
and i know how you feel. hahaha she's annoying. she was better as the little girl from the grinch :))
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